“In late 2010, after my wife and I quit smoking together and began trying to embrace a healthier lifestyle, we both agreed that I had been ignoring my dental health for far too long. Between smoking, poor home care, and a strong fear of dentists, my mouth was in pretty bad shape, and was beginning to give me pain.
“I was referred to Parker & Pennington by Dr. James Cherry, who performed dental surgery to place three implant screws and remove two wisdom teeth. He referred me to them because, in his words, ‘If you are going to have the work done, you should get it done right, and they do beautiful work.
“To that point, three things had kept me from going to the dentist: the fear of unknown expense, the fear that I would be judged for having let my dental health go, and the fear of the pain I associated with having any dental work done, forget multiple fillings and porcelain crowns.
“Parker & Pennington’s patient care advocate/evangelist took care of my first fear — she explained each procedure, the costs and helped me schedule the procedures so they made as light an impact on my healthcare budget as possible.
“On the issue of pain — I’ve had multiple fillings, crowns, polishes and various other procedures, and I can honestly say that I’ve felt more from ice cream headaches than anything Dr. Pennington has done for me. The man is an artist, and the only dentist I’ve had who can administer a needle without me noticing it happening.
“The experience I’ve had with Dr. Pennington and his entire staff has been uniformly positive from the first day. I show my teeth now when I smile, and I can honestly say that I look forward to going and seeing them twice a year.”