Dental Blog

Do You Grind When You’re Stressed?

Have you recently learned that you grind your teeth while sleeping or during times of stress? This harmful habit can cause your teeth to show signs of premature wear and can eventually lead to issues such as cracked teeth. We would hate for our patients with perfectly healthy teeth to experience discomfort and need costly treatments that could have been easily prevented. We offer a customized device that can help eliminate the wearing of teeth due to grinding. Read on to learn about this helpful device.

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Welcome to Jacksonville Beach, Florida!

At Parker and Pennington Dentistry, we often think about how lucky we are to work and serve a community like Jacksonville Beach. This amazing city has so many wonderful things to offer, making it a favorite travel destination among people from all over the country. In fact, a short drive will lead you to the Atlantic Ocean and beautiful beaches. Let us take you on a tour of our wonderful city!

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Delaying Dental Treatment Can Have Real Consequences

Did we recommend a needed treatment at your last appointment and you haven’t scheduled your appointment? We want to send a friendly reminder to schedule your appointment today! We know how easy it is for time to get away from you. Between busy schedules and summer excitement, the days can blend together, and before you know it, weeks and months have passed by. A recommended dental treatment can greatly improve your oral health and eliminate further problems and expenses. The longer treatment is delayed, the more potential damage you are doing to your mouth. Read on to learn more about the importance of taking care of needed dental treatment in a timely fashion and the damage that you may be causing if you delay.

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What to Expect When Getting a Tooth Extracted

At Parker and Pennington Dentistry, we do everything we can to save our patients’ teeth. Unfortunately, when a tooth experiences trauma from an accident or severe decay, there are times that it cannot be salvaged. In these instances, we recommend removing the entire tooth structure, which includes the tooth and the tooth root, otherwise known as a tooth extraction. We know a tooth extraction doesn’t sound like a fun time. However, although a tooth extraction is not a procedure that brings joy to our patients, they understand it is best for their oral health.

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Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Does the thought of coming to our office make you nervous? We know that it can be difficult for some of our patients to visit our office due to their anxiety and nervous feelings about the dentist and dental treatments. This can be heightened when a patient is expecting a more involved procedure such as a tooth extraction. The problem occurs when patients avoid hygiene examinations and recommended dental treatments, exposing themselves to greater dental problems in the future. Your comfort is our top priority, and we want to help you conquer your fear and nerves and get the dental care you deserve. Continue reading to learn more about helpful relaxation tips to try, plus an alternative option we offer to our patients.

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Options For Missing Teeth

Do you have missing teeth? We know that it can be heartbreaking when a permanent tooth needs to be extracted or has fallen out. There are many reasons that a person might be missing teeth. It can be from tooth decay, an accident or other trauma, medication, a medical issue, or family history. No matter if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth, we have a variety of options that can restore your self-confidence and help you love your smile once again.

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