Do you have missing teeth? We know that it can be heartbreaking when a permanent tooth needs to be extracted or has fallen out. There are many reasons that a person might be missing teeth. It can be from tooth decay, an accident or other trauma, medication, a medical issue, or family history. No matter if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth, we have a variety of options that can restore your self-confidence and help you love your smile once again.
We understand that it can be a difficult decision to choose the correct tooth replacement option for your budget and your lifestyle. Your decision may also depend on if you need to replace one tooth or multiple teeth. At Parker and Pennington Dentistry, we consider what is in our patient’s best interest when we suggest a tooth replacement option.
Replacing One Tooth
When replacing one tooth, our first suggestion to patients is always a dental implant. A dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement option that closely mimics your natural teeth. An artificial tooth root is surgically implanted into the jawbone and completed with a dental crown on top.
Replacing Multiple Teeth
When replacing multiple teeth we understand that choosing dental implants for all teeth can greatly increase your overall cost and might exceed your budget. In this case, we will suggest the use of a dental bridge that uses implants to support one or more teeth. This is a fixed restoration and is highly favored due to its natural looking nature.
Replacing All of Your Teeth
The need to replace all of your teeth is truly for unique cases. Our team works closely with the patient to evaluate and create a replacement plan that best fits into the budget. At times, we work with our patients to complete the work over time to spread out costs. In this case, temporary restorations may be needed while the dental work is being completed in stages. We might suggest treatments such as dentures, implant-supported dentures, and fixed implant bridges.
If you are interested in learning more about your options for missing teeth or which choice we recommend for your particular situation, we would be happy to see you. Call our office located in Jacksonville Beach, FL to schedule an appointment. We would love to help you restore your oral health.